Vanessa Paradis, the former singer and current partner of Johnny Depp, mother of his children and forever style heartthrob of ours...
A true style chameleon Vanessa embodies French Chic in her classic, monochromatic tailored basics with pops of red. However, don't think you have her pegged as she always mixes it up and throws in a bohemian look or dishevelled hair offset by her amazing gap teeth.
A little bit French, a little bit quirky and a lot amazing...
Such a petite face with a quirky singlet, tie and suspenders.
Bronzed and glowing (perhaps she's just returned from the ISLAND she owns with Johnny and their children?)
This sucker punch pout has definitely come to be Vanessa's trademark (she is the face of the Chanel rouge allure afterall...)
Chic and understated.
mmm Chanel...We're not envious!
How perfect and dapper is this couple?!
Elegant and severe yet natural and beautiful.
Favourite black cigarettes...
Most amazing coat!
PERFECT! HNMC favourite.
With carefully guarded daughter Lily Rose who is seldom photographed in public.
What an enigmatic duo.
Love, love this blouse. (wouldn't mind the Chanel blazer also?)
Not our favourite...